
On to the 2nd round

We begin the 2nd round, and i didn't think the blog would last past the 1st round, but we're having a lot of fun even though you are probably bored reading this. So, our picks for Seattle:

Tanner likes Pruitt, Scott likes Taurean Green, and i'm going with Derrick Byars of Vandy.

Boston takes Gabe Pruitt, which Tanner picked.

San Antonio is up, Tanner likes Byars, Scott likes Taurean, and i like Fazekas.

(we were too busy dealing with this Bobcats trade for Jason Richardson to make our picks for Boston. This is ridiculous. We can't figure out if it's good or not - is it? Do they need him? he's good, but doesn't really take them to a new level. Then again, neither does Brandan Wright. Bottom line, this team BETTER RESIGN GERALD WALLACE) don't know what else to say.

We didn't realize that the 2nd round picks went so much faster, so we might miss some. That's okay.

San Antonio goes wth Marcus Williams, who is not the same guy on the Nets. Don't really know anything about this dude, but the Spurs are nasty so who knows.

Dallas: Scott wins it with Fazekas, Tanner and i had Byars.

With the next pick, Boston takes 100 beers.


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